Changing Natures' platform studied by MyDigitalSchool in Nantes

As part of the M2 UX/UI Gamification module supervised by Michael Burow (Fidbak), students from MyDigitalSchool in Nantes worked on gamification as applied to Changing Natures.

On 30 and 31 January 2024, 14 students from the M2 UX/UI course at MyDigitalSchool in Nantes (France) took part in a "Gamification" module led by Michael Burow (co-founder with Alexandre Duarte
of Fidbak).

The Changing Natures platform was chosen as the playground! After discussions with Aurélia Desplain, the coordinator of Changing Natures at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris, they worked on a number of objectives: how to increase public engagement and contributions to the platform, how to create a community around the project and, finally, how to give meaning to storytelling.

Organised into 3 groups, the students explained their approach and the construction of the deliverables they could propose, presented mock-ups and answered questions from an evaluation panel involving gamification experts and the project coordinator.

A big well done to everyone for the quality and relevance of their ideas - they're inspiring and creative!

And a big thank you to Michael Burow for organising such a rewarding exercise for Changing Natures!

About the partners in this event

MyDigitalSchool Nantes is part of the Mydigitalschool network. The MBA Expert UX / UI at MyDigitalSchool is a two-year course alternating between school and company, leading to the title of Digital Web Project Manager.

Fidbak is a brand co-developed by Alexandre Duarte and Michael Burow, focusing on gamification / co-design and design for engagement.

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